(Vicdani Ret Beyanımdır)
Kara ve kızıl kanatlarıyla bir tepeden bir vadiye
ve sonra bir vadiden bir tepeye uçan,
özgürlüğe imanlı bir kuştur anarşi dediğim benim
Ve Hakk bildiğim
Bir düşmüş bir kuş olduğunu gören
Âdemoğlu kuşun kanadında bir tüy
Kuş kanat çırpmış
Tüy dârıdünyaya düşmüş
Dünya, dönüp duran,
Yıldızlı bir örtü altında yanan
bir sır gibi gizlediğimiz
yaralarımızdan sızan gece ve kan.
Dünya, nice zulmet, nice yalan.
Ve yine dünyadır işte
bu cennet bu cehennem
ayan beyan.
Sen ben yer gök seyyârat
İçlerinde inci mercan deryalar
Meyveler, salkımlar, envai çeşit mahlûkat
tecellisidir hep O’nun
O öyle büyük öyle muazzam
perdesi gene kendidir
görmek istersen
dön de bir kendine bak…
Senden içeri bir sen
Benden içeri bir ben
Haşhaş sanmayasın sakın Hakkın esrârıdır
Kalpsiz kalıp zulmete gömülmüş bir dünyada vicdan,
bir ötmeye başladı mı susmak bilmeyen
bir kuşun avazıdır,
kaskatı kesilmiş taştan kalpleri deler geçer
ve öyle taşlar vardır ki içlerinde nehirler kaynar
öyle taşlar ki çatladı mı sular çağlar.
Öyleyse ötsün artık mucizeler kuşu siz de duyun:
Malik-ül Mülkü hiçe sayarak dünyayı kuşatan hiçbir orduda
elime silah almayacağım.
Saçlarımda çiçekler olacak, kulağımda küpeler, parmağımda yüzükler;
içimdeki yaban çocuğun güzelliğine leke süren
aşağılayıcı rütbeler takmayacağım omzuma
uygun adım yürümeyeceğim
ayaklarım talim edecek gerçeğe giden tüm dolambaçlı yolları
ve Hünkârım, Beyim, Paşam
yorma hiç o güzel ağzını emretmek için bana
Hak sözünden gayrı bir buyruğa tabi olmayacağım bundan sonra.
İnan Mayıs Aru
(A Concentious Objection Declaration)
With wings black&red from an apex to a valley
And then from a valley to an apex flies
A bird faithful to freedom, I call her anarchy
And what I call Truth is
A dream imagining herself a bird
Humankind is a feather on her wings
The bird flutters
The feather falls on earth
Earth, wheeling around
Burning under a cover of stars
the night and the blood oozes out
of our well hidden arcanum scars.
Earth, plenty of darklings, plenty of lies
Yet again the earth is
this heaven this hell
lying before our eyes.
You, me, land, sky, heavenly bodies
The waters hiding pearls and corals
Fruits, bunches, miscellanous creatures
all epiphanies of Her
So huge and so grandious is She
her curtain is Herself
if you’d like to see
look in your self
A self within yourself
A self within myself
Do not mistake it for opium, it’s the enigma of the Truth
In a heartless world sunk into darkness it’s the conscience
which is a shriek of a bird
whose tongue can never be tied
it pierces all rock-hardened hearts
and surely there are some rocks from which streams burst forth
and surely some rocks when split asunder waters bubble around
Well then, let the bird of miracles sing:
In any army besieging the earth in defiance of the True Sovereign
I will never be recruited
I will have flowers on my hair, rings on my ear
Beauty of the savage child in me will never be stained
by any humiliating insignia on my shoulder
I will never keep step
but my feet will survey all detours leading to truth
And Lord, Master, Commander,
don’t ever weary your mouth to command me
For I shall obey no command no more but the word of the Truth!
İnan Mayıs Aru
(A Concentious Objection Declaration)
With wings black&red from an apex to a valley
And then from a valley to an apex flies
A bird faithful to freedom, I call her anarchy
And what I call Truth is
A dream imagining herself a bird
Humankind is a feather on her wings
The bird flutters
The feather falls on earth
Earth, wheeling around
Burning under a cover of stars
the night and the blood oozes out
of our well hidden arcanum scars.
Earth, plenty of darklings, plenty of lies
Yet again the earth is
this heaven this hell
lying before our eyes.
You, me, land, sky, heavenly bodies
The waters hiding pearls and corals
Fruits, bunches, miscellanous creatures
all epiphanies of Her
So huge and so grandious is She
her curtain is Herself
if you’d like to see
look in your self
A self within yourself
A self within myself
Do not mistake it for opium, it’s the enigma of the Truth
In a heartless world sunk into darkness it’s the conscience
which is a shriek of a bird
whose tongue can never be tied
it pierces all rock-hardened hearts
and surely there are some rocks from which streams burst forth
and surely some rocks when split asunder waters bubble around
Well then, let the bird of miracles sing:
In any army besieging the earth in defiance of the True Sovereign
I will never be recruited
I will have flowers on my hair, rings on my ear
Beauty of the savage child in me will never be stained
by any humiliating insignia on my shoulder
I will never keep step
but my feet will survey all detours leading to truth
And Lord, Master, Commander,
don’t ever weary your mouth to command me
For I shall obey no command no more but the word of the Truth!
İnan Mayıs Aru
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